Jackie: Jackie was my red. She started things for me on Contiki, and got the ball rolling. If it wasn't for her unexpected comic relief due to her lack of patience, I don't know where I'd be. Her uncanny wit and lack of direction steered us far from boring and anywhere else we 'should' have been. One good joke from her was all it took for me to remember that I had it pretty good.
Steph: Orange is the most vibrant color you can find. This is what Steph was to me. Her creative story telling methods and naturally humorous disposition left me in tears when it was time to say goodbye. There was a steady numbing in my heart that thrummed on after we left her in Scotland, but was soon struck deaf after our reunion in Ireland.
Mark: Mark brought me light. And for this, I assign him yellow. He was the sun rise I woke up early for, and the promise that kept me out of darkness. Each day that passed he continued to give me the confidence I lacked towards my art and helped me to believe in the possibility to it through. He was everything good in this world, and everything I needed.
Erika: Without hesitation I link Erika to green. She was lively and fun, and welcomed me more quickly than I thought possible. It was Erika's hotel room floor that I slept on for 3 days after the tour concluded due to lack of funds. She was the group's shopper, birthday girl, and party animal. Because she survived a 42 days European tour before ours, she is our little trooper.
Phil: Mr.Blue. When I was with Phil I could just, be. We fell into sync from day one and always found that no matter what curve ball was thrown at us, our minds remained on the same track. He was easy to be around and was sometimes able to fill the gap that not seeing my brother left. Phil left home, like me, in September with two things; a work visa and the knowledge that sometimes every road doesn't lead back home.
Romps: Indigo matches this gentleman to a t. Like the color, I can never put my finger on him. His foomanshoo and mustache, combined with his shaved head and tattoo collage initially sent me running for the hills. It was his gentle smile, and appreciation for the experiences we were subject to that helped me to uncover the snuggle bunny that we all fell in love with. Two months away from home changed this boy. I will never forget the friendship that formed so quickly between us, and know that somehow our futures will merge.
Ashley: Last but certainly not least is my violet girl, Ash. It is said that if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Ash reminded me of this every day; life is short and Spain is beautiful. She was the kick in the ass I needed to do the things I would never forget. In addition to her cheerleaderesque stature, this girl had the stomach of an infant and threrefore consumed my entire gravol collection.
There were few times in my first month abroad that I gave into the will of loneliness. During these times I lost all hope and let solemn greys fall with a torrential force. It was times like these that I forgot in the vibrancy that surrounds us all and lost myself in a sea of black and white. Out of nowhere though, through the breaking downpour and peaking sun, sprouted a seed of hope and in walked the light. Contiki allowed me to befriend some of the most amazing people this world has to offer. Thank you for being my rainbow.