At the crack of dawn I was jostled from my deep sleep by none other than the rooster next door. During Clara’s thorough debriefing she had failed to mention the mini petting zoo next door complete with tame peacocks, hens, and roosters alike. So I figured I get a jump on the day and spend my first day on the island in downtown Honolulu, soaking up the sun that had already pierced through my blinds. As I marched tirelessly down the board walk, I couldn’t help but find fault in paradise. Pop cans littered the sand and overflowing trash bins we far in between. The crystal clear waters that I had learned to be so sought after were instead murky and tarnished with a filmy layer of what could only be body oil and tanning spray. Not a plot of sand was to be seen and row after row of lobster coloured tourists were sprawled over on another. I tried to rid the disappointment from my eyes as I walked through the "new" Hawaii, until I came across a stretch of beach that was vacant enough. I plopped down and dug my feet into the hot sand and looked out to sea, just praying for a sign. My thoughts drifted until a silhouette in the distance caught my eye. I followed him as he glided through the building waves in multiple strides. Attached to the board he flowed with the water, such a simple gesture. For that split second in time I had forgotten the tan lined tourists and high rise buildings. That surfer was raw power. He was everything I wished I could be in that second; to have the strength of the ocean behind you and the curiosity of the shore in front. I watched as he slid through the breaking wave, concluding the perfect surf with a clumsy dive. After turning his back on the shore, he swam towards the horizon, ready to do it all over again. I remained transfixed on this single surfer for a while longer before continuing down the shore. I hadn’t forgotten the imperfections of the “new” Hawaii, but I’d temporarily numbed its sting. With blistered feet, a developing sun burn, and a new found sliver of hope, I made my way back home, ready for tomorrow when I’d do it all over again.
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