Through Monica's grandmother, I was introduced to Anya, the Russian model/masseuse who was the mother of the previously mentioned Promethius, the year old Vita, and then the thirteen year old Justin. While Monica was here we were able to all get together and hit the beach, and after her departure, I was left with the sinking knowledge that I would never see these kids again. But, the universe has a way of unfolding just as it should and the day after Monica left, I found myself once again being used as a kleenex and a human jungle jim.
I think what I liked most about these kids was all of their undeniably unique personalities. First off, there's Promethius. His cinnamon skin, combined with his giant brown eyes and curly black hair automatically forced an "awe" from anyone he met. He was a little rascal who was wise beyond his four years, and not for the better. His sarcasm exceeds him and his cuteness saves him. In addition to his over active imagination and dreams of becoming iron man, he was also inabile to let his sister have anything that he himself may want now or in the future. From personal experience and common knowledge, brothers, especially older, do not like to share.
As wrapped around his finger as I was, there was still enough left in me to cave at the sight of Vita. With her wild brown curls covered in sand about 99% of the time, I couldn't help but let out a little giggle every time I saw her. This little girl was sunshine in a gift bag. Seeing her waddle around full speed kept me on my toes, but the uneven sand generally led to a soft landing. I say generally because when you're two years old and you're running full tilt through the sand and you're brother trips you, there's never knowing what's going to happen. But, like all baby sisters will do, she got right back up with that same goofy smile plastered on her face and kept on trunkin'.
Last but certainly not least is Justin. Thirteen going on thirty. I was, and still am dumbfounded at how advanced this young man was. He told me stories of how he's moved from Texas, through California, and finally ending in Hawaii, of how he wants to play football when he grows up, and subconsciously, how much he loves his little brother and sister. Trying all too hard to play the tough guy card, Justin was easy to see through. The amount of responsibility that he had willingly taken on through his many experiences was astounding. But I think that in order to become that type of person, you have to have someone to look up to. This person was and is, without a doubt, his mom. As lucky as I've been with meeting great people on this trip, Anya is by far the most interesting. Having gone from growing up in Russia, traveling through Europe modeling, coming to America as a "Russian Bride", she wound up with three amazing children, a second language, and a dog named Snoopy. I admire Anya because although she's a single mother who works too much and complains too little, she truly appreciates her life and wouldn't change it for the world. I just hope that one day, I too will be able to look back on my life and smile with approval.
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