We worked and fought against the protests of our weary bodies. Sweat blazing trails down the lines of our backs were forgotten as we struggled on. Heave! Heave! They yelled from afar. Their pleas for faster labour had attached themselves into our broken bodies like phantom limbs. I could feel the mud slide between my bare toes as I begged my feet for levereage while sinking deeper and deeper into the hillside.The stone beneath my hands was cold, calm in contrast with the heat that welled from my face and its touch numbed my worried soul. There would soon be peace.
We moved together as one, uniformed members of an alliance; one heart beat, pounding against the doubts that crept across our faces. We pulled the stone up the steep mound. I clentched my teeth with recognition as we crested the green and sighed in triumph. With the weight gone, the burden as well. Too long had we suffered for this day. Our struggles would not be lost to the future, our triumphs not forgotten. This was our mark on the world and even time can not deny us this.
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